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December 14, 2011


Update on Die Rolling and Random Numbers

Unless Lego has fixed this in a newer version of the firmware, the way to work around the problem I mention in a post below is to have an initial part of your program loop. In the loop, generate a random number. Stop the loop when the user presses a button. The user will take varying amounts of time which will cause the next random number generate (after the loop is complete) to be more random.


2011 FLL Results

I coached an FLL team for the fourth year. This time, it was back to a private team, after last year's team at a junior high school. Five kids, which was a nice size, and a nice group.

It was a hard year for the robot missions. They struggled with consistency. The last week they had a couple 134 point runs, but at the tournmanent their top score was only 119. They valiantly tried to get the thermometer mission working at the tournament, but didn't quite get it completed.

As I have time, I'm going to try my hand at this year's robot game. I don't have any illusions that it will be easy!

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