Over the weekend, I started on another NXT robot from the instructions included in the software. Say "hi" to Spike, the slightly disabled scorpion (I think). This is a the base - I haven't worked on the tail yet. The pinchers don't do anything, as they are fixed in the closed position, which is a bit disappointing. I can imagine Lego was a little worried about lawsuits when Spike might grab a kid's finger or something.
Anyway, it does crawl well on it's six legs. But these are not the legs obvious in the picture. Those are for show. The real crawling is done by smaller legs that are not so obvious. Look at the gray liftarm attached to a white liftarms. That's a leg.
The tail is next, and this robot promises to use the sound sensor, which I'm looking forward to trying out...
# posted by Aurelian Design @ 6:53 AM